Rumor: Retro Studios Working on Star Fox Grand Prix

Retro Studios has been quiet for some time, and many thought that they were working on Metroid Prime 4 when that first got announced at E3 2017. However, that was quickly corrected and there are now rumors circulating that Retro Studios has been working on a Star Fox racing game in the similar vein as Diddy Kong Racing.
Reddit user DasVergeben claimed that the racing title is “like Diddy Kong Racing mixed with F-Zero” with an adventure mode, hub world and boss fights.
We also got this logo posted from a visitor on 4chan, but definitely take this with a grain of salt:
Eurogamer has also stated that the details line up with what they have heard as of late, but I guess we’ll find out at E3 in less than a months time.
There was also word that Retro Studios had another game in the works, but that project is believed to be cancelled.
So what do you think of these rumors? Let us know in the comments below.
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