Top 10 Wii U Ports We Would Like to See on Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch has seen a lot of Wii U ports already but there are a few missing that we would like to see. Whether it be because they’re great games that we want to play again on the go or because they released on an unsuccessful console and deserve a second chance, we believe that all of these games deserve the Switch treatment.
Disclaimer: We won’t be putting Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on this list because the recent announcement in the latest Nintendo Direct.
10. Fatal Frame / Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water
One great thing about Wii U ports coming to the Switch is that games that didn’t sell well can get a new lease on life. Fatal Frame/Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water didn’t get much recognition on the Wii U and didn’t even get a physical release in North America.
The game takes place on Hikami Mountain, a fictitious mountain that is known for people supernatural occurences. The story follows three different protagonists who all have their own reasons to be there. Along the way, they encounter spiritual disturbances and ghosts that threaten the protagonists’ wellbeing and mental state.
Possible issues: Fatal Frame / Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water was created solely around the use of the Game Pad. In the game, you use the Game Pad as the Camera Obscura in order to defeat enemies from a first-person perspective. They would need to tweak the gameplay in order to bring it to Switch, but we think it can be done with the use of motion controls in the Joy-Cons and Pro Controller.
9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Credit Wallpaper Abyss
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a timeless classic and the HD port takes away a lot of the graininess that was on the original versions. The reason why it is only at number 9 on this list is because the game has since been on every Nintendo home console since the Nintendo Gamecube. Therefore, it is much easier to access than, say, number 10 on this list.
That being said, any Legend of Zelda fan would love to be able to take that experience on the go. The world, the characters, the soundtrack, all in the palm of your hands as your waiting for the bus.
Possible issues: We can’t see their being too many issues with this port as we’ve received a more traditional version of the game on the Wii U. There is also motion aiming built into the Joy-Cons and Pro Controller just like they implemented into the Game Pad. However, the Game Pad had the added functionality of having the map and inventory on the screen, but we’ve played this game before without it and still very much enjoyed it. If you wanted to play the game with traditional Wii motion, the Joy-Cons have proven to be able to replicate that experience; however, the issue would be taking it on the go for those who wish to play it like that.
8. Paper Mario: Color Splash
This game was met with mixed reception in that you either loved it or hated it. I personally loved Paper Mario: Color Splash as it brought back some of the witty dialogue from past games in a much more open-ended experience. That and Paper Mario in HD looks AMAZING!
However, the battle mechanics still fell short on what we really want from a Paper Mario game. Having to sift through all of those cards and paint them on the Game Pad just felt cumbersome and unintuitive.
Paper Mario: Color Splash wasn’t a massive seller on the Wii U and would benefit from a second chance on the Switch. It is a fantastic game for players of all ages and could really boost the Paper Mario name by having a second chance.
Possible Issues: The only issue that we could see would be having to use the Game Pad for the battle mechanics… and is that really an issue? If anything, I think a lot of people would prefer it if they had the cards on the bottom of the screen and just use the controls to paint and select a card. They could even use touch screen mechanics for handheld mode if they really wanted to.
7. Pikmin 3
Credit Nintendo
The Wii U received Pikmin 3 relatively early on in its lifecycle during a time when the console was lacking in content (more so than usual). This entry was the first HD instalment in the series and looked absolutely beautiful on our HD TVs; and those high definition fruit… stunning!
The Pikmin series has always been a diamond in the rough. It has a loyal fanbase, but aside from that, they don’t seem to sell that well. It’s a shame that this game hasn’t received more love than it should have (even after it received updates and online leaderboards), so we would love to see it get a second chance on Switch.
Possible Issues: Pikmin 3 relied heavily on the Game Pad being used as a map and for other quirky features. The Game Pad was often referenced throughout the game in subtle (and not so subtle) nods. Having all of this in a port to the Switch may be a bit jarring at first, so some work around would need to be done in order for it to feel at home on Nintendo’s latest console.
6. Super Mario 3D World
Credit Nintendo UK
Considering we just got Super Mario Odyssey not long ago, we can see this one taking a little longer to come out. Super Mario 3D World was certainly a different take on the 3D Mario series which some fans didn’t see to warm up to. However with its focus on co-op play, it seems to fit quite well on the Switch with its ability to “Share the Joy”.
When Super Mario 3D World was released in 2013, fans were clambering for a sandbox style Mario game that hadn’t happened since Super Mario Sunshine on the Nintendo Gamecube. The Wii U title was ultimately criticised for not being what the fans were hungry for, so its merits were buried and unnoticed behind all of its criticism. Now that we have received a sandbox style Mario game in Super Mario Odyssey, fans might actually be slightly more open to the unique gameplay that Super Mario 3D World has to offer.
Possible Issues: In certain worlds, you needed to blow on the Wii U’s mic in order to activate fans in the game. Whilst this can be easily fixed with the press of a button, the game could lose a touch of magic when taken out.
5. The Wonderful 101
This gem was filled with unique characters and gameplay that ultimately didn’t receive the recognition that it deserved. Being a Wii U exclusive, it suffered in the sales department and is now a difficult game for Wii U owners to get their hands on at a reasonable price.
However, Platinum Games have shown a lot of support for Nintendo over the years and continue to do so with the upcoming release of Bayonetta 3. That being said, the Switch also received a Bayonetta 2 port bundled in with a digital copy of the original Bayonetta game, so it isn’t too far of a stretch to expect the same treatment for The Wonderful 101.
Platinum Games even provided fans with a bit of hope in this little teaser…
Possible Issues: There are some sections of the game where you go into areas where it requires you to solely look at the Game Pad whilst the screen displays the outside of the area. That being said, they could do a Picture-in-Picture mode that I’m sure fans are more than likely to be content with.
4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Credit Zelda Wiki
Some fans might find this blasphemy that we put The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD ahead of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, but there is a good reason as to why. Twilight Princess has seen huge success on multiple consoles and currently sits at number two on the best selling Legend of Zelda games list (according to VGSales). Whereas when you consider Wind Waker, the entry has released on two consoles that are considered to be Nintendo’s two least selling home consoles (if you don’t consider the Virtual Boy as a home console… which we don’t). So it makes more sense to give Wind Waker a proper chance on a successful Nintendo console.
Possible issues: This has less issues than the The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD port would have as Wind Waker never had Wii Remote controls. The HD port also received motion controls which is perfect for the Pro Controller, however the map and item management would need to undergo some changes.
3. Xenoblade Chronicles X
Credit Nintendo
If ever there’s a time to ride on any Xenoblade hype, it’s now! Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the fasting selling Xeno game in the franchise’s history and more and more people are discovering this franchise for the first time.
We feel quite confident that a Xenoblade Chronicles X2 will someday make its way to the Nintendo Switch as the original entry left us with a cliffhanger (no spoilers). That means that when that inevitable sequel does arrive, fans who didn’t have a Wii U (which were a lot) will be wanting to check out the original instalment.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is a fantastic game full of giant mechs that you can fly around in – what more could you want?!
Possible Issues: This title did have a lot of interactivity with the Game Pad as you could interact with the map, go through menus and manage mining developments. That being said, it’s safe to say that fans wouldn’t mind doing that with a controller if it meant that we could get this game ported to the Nintendo Switch.
2. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
If ever there was a game to be ported to the Nintendo Switch due to its poor sales, it’s this one. Initially, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE didn’t sell well in Japan when it was originally released and that trend continued when it was ported to the west. However, it can be said that it is due to it being a niche game that was delayed several times and was an exclusive on an unsuccessful console.
This game was developed by Atlus, and as they just recently released Persona 5 to critical and commercial success, we believe that those fans would be interested in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE making its way to the Switch. Also consider that the game probably cost a lot to make, so to get a Switch port may allow Atlus to break even (or even profit if we dream big enough).
The game has an 80 on Metacritic from 62 reviews and has been awarded with multiple awards, so we know that it is a good game. It just needs a proper chance on a successful console.
Possible Issues: The Game Pad acted as a map as well as the way to use the mobile phone in the game. That being said, those features could easily be moved over in order to make the game work on a single screen.
1. Super Mario Maker
Credit Nintendo
They put it on Wii U; they put it on Nintendo 3DS; Please put it on Switch!
Super Mario Maker took the world by storm at a time when Nintendo were struggling to make any positive headlines. Being able to make, share and play Super Mario levels and share them online wherever you go would be a dream come true for any Nintendo fan.
Just think that with Nintendo’s willingness to play nice with social media platforms, we could soon see us being able to share and comment on levels via Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps Super Mario Maker for Switch is another game that Nintendo are waiting to announce until they properly unveil their new Online service… we are dreamers here at Switchaboo.
Possible Issues: Without the stylus, we may find it harder than we’d initially think to carefully craft levels to our liking. However, we are becoming increasingly efficient with our smart devices, so I may be wrong there.
Having to use the touch screen in order to create levels would require us to undock the Switch when we create levels (unless Nintendo has something else in mind).
And lastly, no more Miiverse (may it rest in peace), but sharing via Facebook and Twitter is perhaps why it is taking so long to come out.
So there you have it, our top 10 Wii U games that we would like to see ported to Nintendo Switch.
Let us know if you agree or disagree by commenting below and be sure to like our Facebook Page for more awesome articles like this one. Also if you liked this list, perhaps check out our list on the Top 10 Characters We Would Like to See Come to Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch.