Review Sunblaze - Switch Review (Quick) "A lovely escapade packed to the brim with hundreds of increasingly difficult levels."
Quick Review Maneater - Switch Review (Quick) "If you take away the shark-themed coat of paint, it just becomes a game you’ve played many, many, MANY times before."
Review Astalon: Tears of the Earth - Switch Review "Genuinely one of the best indie games I’ve played on the Switch."
Review Famicom Detective Club - Switch Review "All in all, the Famicom Detective Club games are great."
Review Beautiful Desolation - Switch Review "I have pretty mixed feelings about Beautiful Desolation."
Review Very Very Valet - Switch Review "It's wacky; it's fun; it's a lot of laughs and quite frankly, I just couldn't put it down."
Review Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster - Switch Review "Held back due to it trying to keep that original feel of the game."
Review Space Commander: War and Trade - Switch Review "The developers might have bitten off more than they could chew."
Review Smelter - Switch Review "A fantastic game to help scratch that Mega Man X itch with enough unique aspects to stand out from its contemporaries."
Review Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - Switch Review (Video) "Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is funny, cute and charming and is a pleasant experience for as long as it lasts."
Review World Splitter - Switch Review "I was hooked on World Splitter from the first level and I thoroughly believe any fan of puzzle games will feel the same."
Review Knight Squad 2 - Switch Review "Will it be nominated for tonnes of awards? Unlikely. Is it a fun time to be had with friends? Absolutely!"
Review Rain on Your Parade - Switch Review "Not a wasted experience but it also is not a memorable one."
Review Say No! More - Switch Review "It’s a shame we don’t review games on a ten point scale, because I would have given Say No! More a nein out of 10!"
Review What the Dub?! - Switch Review "Switch off that 50 turn game of Mario Party that you just started and play a quick round of What the Dub?!"
Review Tales From The Borderlands - Switch Review "Tales From The Borderlands manages to whisper an amazing tale."
Review Cozy Grove - Switch Review (Video) "Cozy Grove doesn't ask much of the player; it just wants you to stop by for a half hour a day to say hi, help a buddy out and perhaps catch a fish or two before you go."
Review Drive Buy - Switch Review "An interesting idea for a game that’s held back by its severe lack of content and a monotonous exp grind."
Review Narita Boy - Switch Review "Narita Boy has numerous flaws that hold back an otherwise terrific game."