Review Trigger Witch - Switch Review "A delightfully grim adventure that'll keep you entertained for 8-10 hours."
Review Boyfriend Dungeon - Switch Review "An excellent example of a genre you might not normally indulge in."
Review Save Me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition - Switch Review "You just can’t beat a bit of nostalgia and Save Me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition shows there’s life in the old dog yet."
Review Greak: Memories of Azur - Switch Review "A beautiful adventure game which I found to be just downright enjoyable."
Review Shadowverse: Champion’s Battle - Switch Review "I did enjoy my time playing Shadowverse: Champion’s Battle but..."
Review Ayo the Clown - Switch Review "Ayo the Clown successfully tackles a niche that'll appeal to us Nintendo fans."
Review Within the Blade - Switch Review "Within the Blade may appeal to those looking for more ninja fixes."
Review Beasts of Maravilla Island - Switch Review "A marvellous photography adventure packed to the brim with wholesome charm."
Review Boomerang X - Switch Review "While Boomerang X does have a few minor issues, in the end, the positives massively outweigh the negatives."
Reviews Mario Golf: Super Rush - Switch Review "Without the Super Rush mechanic, Mario Golf: Super Rush would've been an easily forgettable title."
Review Minute of Islands - Switch Review "A strange land that tackles pollution and cultural preservation."