review Theatre of Sorrows - Switch Review "I can see what the developers had in mind for Theatre of Sorrows but..."
Review Blackwind - Switch Review "Blackwind’s core gameplay is the only positive it has going for it."
review RPGolf Legends - Switch Review "RPGolf Legends sounds great on paper but in its execution, it misses the mark on so many basic fundamentals."
Review Nintendo Switch Indie Roundup - December 14, 2021 In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss some upcoming indie titles that you should absolutely be keeping an eye on.
Review Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl - Switch Review "One step forward in some aspects but one step backwards in others."
Review Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon - Switch Review "Leaves me excited for which wacky directions the series will surely take in the future."
Review Aspire: Ina's Tale - Switch Review "Once you tear through that beautiful wrapping paper, you're left with nothing but a bland cardboard box."
Review The Wild at Heart - Switch Review "If Pikmin is a delicious cheese pizza, The Wild at Heart is a supreme, loaded with an assortment of extra goodies."
Review Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! - Switch Review "A remarkable psychological horror game with some unfortunate (yet understandable) console workarounds."
Review Death's Door - Switch Review "A standard that I'll forever hold future topdown action adventure games to."
Review The Suicide of Rachel Foster - Switch Review "It takes an excellent story and slams it into the mud."
Review Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Switch Review "The nostalgia that the fandom has for this game is justified."