Review Smelter - Switch Review "A fantastic game to help scratch that Mega Man X itch with enough unique aspects to stand out from its contemporaries."
Review Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - Switch Review (Video) "Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is funny, cute and charming and is a pleasant experience for as long as it lasts."
Review World Splitter - Switch Review "I was hooked on World Splitter from the first level and I thoroughly believe any fan of puzzle games will feel the same."
Kickstarter Kickstarter Project of the Week: Monster Tribe For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Reece Geofroy's Monster Tribe. The game is slated to release in Q1 2022 on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch. > Here's the overview: > Monster Tribe is a fresh new
Review DARQ Complete Edition - Switch Review "DARQ is the video game equivalent of reading Frankenstein on a rainy evening by candlelight."
Giveaway Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Switch Key Giveaway Courtesy of VIM Global and Grafitti Games, we have a single Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion AU Switch key to giveaway to one lucky winner. Simply enter the competition via the Gleam plugin below. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Giveaway [] Be sure to subscribe to
Review Knight Squad 2 - Switch Review "Will it be nominated for tonnes of awards? Unlikely. Is it a fun time to be had with friends? Absolutely!"
Review Rain on Your Parade - Switch Review "Not a wasted experience but it also is not a memorable one."
Kickstarter Kickstarter Project of the Week: Tyrant's Blessing For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Mercury Games's Tyrant's Blessing. The game is slated to release in Q1 2022 on PC, Mac & Linux via Steam with Nintendo Switch and Mobile platforms as stretch goals. Here'
Review Say No! More - Switch Review "It’s a shame we don’t review games on a ten point scale, because I would have given Say No! More a nein out of 10!"
Review What the Dub?! - Switch Review "Switch off that 50 turn game of Mario Party that you just started and play a quick round of What the Dub?!"
Review Tales From The Borderlands - Switch Review "Tales From The Borderlands manages to whisper an amazing tale."
Review Cozy Grove - Switch Review (Video) "Cozy Grove doesn't ask much of the player; it just wants you to stop by for a half hour a day to say hi, help a buddy out and perhaps catch a fish or two before you go."
Review Drive Buy - Switch Review "An interesting idea for a game that’s held back by its severe lack of content and a monotonous exp grind."
Review Narita Boy - Switch Review "Narita Boy has numerous flaws that hold back an otherwise terrific game."
Kickstarter Kickstarter Project of the Week: Lone Fungus For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Basti's Lone Fungus. The game is slated to release in October 2021 on Windows PC (via Steam) but in regards to a Nintendo Switch port, Basti had this to say: > With this
Review Bravely Default 2 - Switch Review "Bravely Default 2 is a spectacular RPG entry and one of the best for the switch so far."
Review FAR S Ultra - Switch Review "Yet another F-Zero style racer trying to reach for the stars but only having a backyard trampoline to help them get there."
Review Signs of the Sojourner - Switch Review "This game is worth every second of the time it asks of you."
Review Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town - Switch Review "Pioneers of Olive Town certainly doesn't live up to its full potential."
guide How to Mine Orichalcum Ore in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town You may have just expanded your farm to the third section, walked up to the newest buildings and seen that they require Orichalcum Ingots and thought to yourself, "how do I get that?". I know this because I thought the same thing. That was until I found three