STONE, the Aussie Hip-Hop Stoner Film-Noir Game, is Coming to Switch

Convict Studios have just announced that their Aussie Hip-Hop Stoner Film-Noir Game STONE is coming to Nintendo Switch.
‘When?’ you might ask. Well, May 8th (or M8 Day), of course!
Here’s what the team had to say:
The blokes and sheilas at Convict Games, a collection of ex a Remedy dev, musicians and filmmakers have fast-tracked their release of their award nominated and acclaimed debut interactive story STONE for release on May 8 on Nintendo Switch for $14,99 USD / 14,99 € / £12,49 / $19,95 AUD.
In this age of staying strong and staying at home, the Convicts wanted to share a new game for Nintendo Switch players to enjoy. Since the lockdown, Convict has focussed on getting STONE on Switch. Originally planned for an Autumn release, Convict Games decided to release STONE on May 8. Unofficially known as “M8 Day”, an Aussie day of companionship and good will for all.
Last but not least, STONE supports English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese subtitles on launch. Enjoy it, mates.
And here’s a little description write-up and trailer from the Microsoft website when STONE launched on Xbox One:
G’day, I’m Stone. Here’s our Xbox page. Play this single-player third-person movie length interactive story and see what happened. Yeah it was rough, but a good life lesson. Enjoy, and remember don’t do this at home ya bunch of crazy animals. By the way this story really isn’t going to be for everyone. So enter at your own risk, mate. Plus this was created by a global team including the narrative designer of QUANTUM BREAK, CONTROL and VFX artist from GRAVITY, PROMETHEUS & more. You’re in good hands, mate.
P.P.s I’m @StoneKoalaPI and follow @ConvictGames those mammals were crazy to tell my story!
• 3rd person so you can rotate a drone cam around me and move me like Voodoo
• Deep, reference heavy interactive story never told, mate.
• Drinking, dancing and smoking for your pleasure.
• Map based free roam so you can explore the world at your own pace. Here’s some tips:
• Echo for great techno, Smoky Possum for some liquid gold and my flat. It’s comfy mates.
• A cast of my mates. Like Les, weirdo and kanye lover and my gorgeous chookie Alex.
• BTW if you see Cockie, tell her I’m sorry again. If you see Devil, run, run, run!
• Amazing licensed tracks from sick up and coming indie musicians at the Record Shop.
• Like Ryan Little, Luchii, Ilkka S, Warchief, James Tottakai & More
• Seriously the music is great. There’s hip hop, trap, stoner rock and heavy techno!
• Also THERE”S CLASSIC MOVIES!!! Yeah you can watch film classics like
• Sentimental Bloke, Night of the Living Dead & Story of the Kelly Gang ( CONVICT REPRESENT )
• Hang out with me.
• It’ll be bonza and hell, I think you’ll be a better person from it too.Your mate,
Source 1: Convict Games PR Source 2