Say No! More - Switch Review

Do you ever feel like you’re being pushed around by people while others are taking advantage of niceties and constantly asking you to do things for them? Well Say No! More is the perfect game to vent those frustrations while also providing a sincere lesson for you to embrace no a bit more in your life. Do you want to stop reading this review and go back to not supporting Switchaboo? NO!!


The gameplay is very simple with only the use of the D-pad, analogue stick and the A/B buttons, with the end results being various ways of how you say no. In addition to saying no with the press of a button, you have the option to demean your workplace bully by clapping in their face sarcastically, laughing at them, nodding to make them think you’ll say yes or sarcastically go hmm hmmm hmmm before shutting them down.

When you encounter people, you have the option to hear them out, sometimes leading to situations that play out with additional content like staring contests, going out for lunch with your co-workers or you could simply just say no. Now you might be asking what the point of this game is if all you do is say no; what drives the reason behind the player? Well has someone ever stolen your food, either at work or at home? You just want your packed lunch back that was stolen by your supervisor and this game allows you to fulfil those fantasies.

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World / Level Design

There is not much level design or world building in Say No! More as your character follows a set path with only small deviations caused by whether you say no or not to certain characters. However, this aspect of the game is mostly mitigated due to the point of the game being driven by its story. That's not to say there aren't levels as the story is broken up into several chapters, but the only difference between them is visual and not gameplay. The game’s world is overworked to crazy levels with mention of the company working seven days a week, with overtime being a standard working day.

Story / Personality

To kick things off, you start a new job as an intern with two others, where your supervisor mentions you have to say yes to literally everything, followed by telling you to move over to your desk which is located behind the vending machine in a terrible location. After setting yourself up at your desk, your supervisor comes up and steals your lunch and you have no say in it… yet. That is when a tape deck falls down with a Walkman with the word “no” on it. Turning it on, you see a buff man who gives you a motivational speech to start saying no to people.

This leads you on a rampage to go get your lunch back from your supervisor, which escalates to ridiculous heights, mostly shown by the fact that the word no literally holds power in this world where you can blow someone back, knock down walls or even break out of a cage. The approach taken to these issues are more comedic with some recurring appearances, such as the punny man who is a glutton for PUN-ishment. The story does have a well meaning point behind everything where being overworked leads you to a worse off self and to take a break every now and then.

Graphics / Art Direction

Say No! More has a very unique art style that almost reminds me of LEGO figures but if they were more human looking. This seems deliberate to put more emphasis on its comedic touch and it helps to bring home that laugh easier. Emphasised the most by the walk cycles of characters as they have flailing legs with minds of their own, this regularly got quick chuckles out of me. The settings of each chapter feel visually well thought out, with a variety of colours and designs depending on the theme of each chapter.

Music / Sound Design

As most of the music comes from your Walkman while listening to your motivational tape, the game has a very strong, upbeat 80s vibe. It’s genuinely fun to listen to as you make your way through the office of your new job whilst having an impact on your path to recover your lunch and boy howdy do your nos provide a satisfying impact whenever you say them. The way you say no can be changed to several different languages, with a male and female option for each language. The sound team really makes the game flow well while going that extra mile to grab other languages for players to use. With the developers being from Germany, you notice a bit of a struggle saying some of the more difficult English words, such as photosynthesis, however it adds to the comedic charm of the game. Also, the fact that the game is being released on ninth of April - as in April nein - well done Studio Fizbin, well done!

Final Score: 82%

In an industry where crunch is a real issue people often have to deal with and a general work culture of putting the company before yourself, Say No! More has the relatability to it that genuinely has a good lesson behind it. While the game has a short length and the gameplay is simple, this title is worth playing for a comedic take on serious issues that could be plaguing your own life right now. It’s definitely a title to grab when it comes to a lower price point as it consists of a quick couple hours of humour-filled gameplay and a new perspective to really consider. It’s a shame we don’t review games on a ten point scale, because I would have given Say No! More a nein out of 10!

Thank you for checking out our Say No! More Switch review, thank you to Plan of Attack PR for providing the review code and thank you to our $5 and up Patreon Backers for their ongoing support: