QubicGames are Donating 20% of its Revenue to Assist COVID-19 Research for Three Months

COVID-19 is all anyone is talking about right now and we’ve done our best to keep the video game talk rolling and have fun. However this story covers both topics and just goes to show how the video game development community can truly band together in incredible ways.
QubicGames, publishers behind Space Pioneer and Escape Doodland, have vowed to donate 20% of its revenue across April, May and June to purchase medical supplies for distribution. Here’s what they had to say:
QubicGames, the Polish game developer and publisher has chosen to funnel a substantial amount of its revenue and efforts into helping medical services and organizations dealing with Coronavirus.
“It’s no secret that the gaming industry is one of the few groups benefiting from this pandemic, while the medical services actually fighting head first with the virus are often hanging by a thread. We feel we can’t just sit by hoping they cope while we idly count our money.” — Jakub Pieczykolan, CEO Qubic Games.
How QubicGames Will Be Helping
- 20% of all revenue made from all games in their Nintendo Switch portfolio (40+ titles) sold during April, May, and June 2020 will be donated to health and medical organizations fighting with the Covid-19 pandemic. This also includes all new titles set for release in this window — HyperParasite, Tharsis, Gravity Rider Zero and DEX.
- Additionally, during May 2020, QubicGames will run a massive 16-Year Anniversary Sale of its entire Nintendo Switch portfolio where again, 20% of all revenue will be added to the donation pool.
- 100% of the revenue generated from the sales of Robonauts and Geki Yabi Runner will be added to the contribution. Ports for Steam are being made now and will soon appear on these stores for this purpose.
- For immediate action, over 75.000 USD / 68.000 EUR worth of surgical masks have been purchased from overseas manufactures and in the next few days will be distributed to various Polish hospitals in Warsaw, Wroclaw and Rzeszow. The masks were purchased partially using QubicGame’s own cash reserves while the rest was financed from the personal donation of QubicGames CEO, Jakub Pieczykolan.
- QubicGames wants to encourage other devs to help join the fight so they will soon be activating the website gamesvscovid19.com. The website will track the contributions of all other publishers and developers have made to medical services in their fight against Covid-19. The site will highlight the contributions made by each and highlight the games each developer / publisher has under their name.
Note: Revenue accounts for all money left over after the QubicGames has paid their required commissions, licenses fee and taxes associated with a game sale. They will not be deducting their own operating costs prior to taking 20%.
All of the money for donations come from QubicGame’s revenue and any devs working with the publisher will not have any of their income affected at all. The plain is to have 50% of the funds distributed between various international health organizations including the W.H.O while the other 50% will go to various local Polish hospitals.
It’s always wonderful to see how video games can be used for the betterment of the world and QubicGames are to be praised for taking that first step forward.
Source: QubicGames PR via