Pikuniku Guide: The Golden Tooth from the Silver Frog

There are some challenges in games that give you some amazing rewards; others, not so much… but enough talk, let’s get into it and find the golden tooth from the silver frog…
On the surface of the forest, equip the Water Hat, proceed to the right of screen and go through to this hidden area…
By pressing Y on the plant, you’ll be able to water it with your new hat and it will grow!
Once you’ve done that, grapple onto the grappling ring on the ceiling so that the water will stream down. Make sure not to let go until the water is just below level of the platform with the button.
Now head through the zigzag wall just to the left of the water and there will be an acorn there.
We’re going to need to kick that over and onto the red button so that the weight of it will hold it down and keep the door open for us to proceed through.
Water the plant here and use it as a platform to make your way to the right so that you can fall down the gap where the zigzags are…
When you get to the bottom, proceed to the right and enter the cave…
Inside is a platforming level that certainly cranks up the difficulty a bit. For the first part, you’ll want to wait for the box to move close to you and then jump so that you land on the floating platform (but watch out for the spikes sticking out).
The second box has a spring button on it, so drop down and bounce on it when the box is closest to you and continue bouncing on it as it moves over to the right.
Next, we’ll want to drop down onto the new moving box when it is closest to you; but before you’re squashed by the spikes, jump onto the hovering circle.
From here, you can jump up-right and keep holding down right to avoid the spikes.
For this part, jump onto the first crumbling block. Before it breaks away, jump and use the grappling ring to propel yourself over to the crumbling block on the other side and then jump to safety.
These frogs act as checkpoints, so you’re never going to have to do that first part again unless you use the frog to teleport out of there (which I have no idea why you would because this is why you came here).
This next part requires you to be really quick. Drop down as soon as an arrow is released, but another one will be right behind, so get ready to jump over it as you continue to the right over to the platform with the block on it. Get onto the right side of the block and push down to the level below.
This will allow you to continue under the gap as the arrows will be stopped by the block.
For this next bit, quickly jump onto the first platform that is suspended by rope before the spikes skewer you from underneath. Jump from the first platform to the next and get to the other side.
Make your way down and use the grappling rings to get yourself some momentum so that you can land on the moving platform. Watch out for the arrow, make sure to jump over them.
You just want to get over to the next block, because then you’ll be out of range of the arrow. Get to the next frog and that’s another checkpoint.
Deep breath…
For this next part, fall down just as an arrow is shot. When you’re down on the ground, kick the block when it is a heart. Use the spring to propel yourself up, but make sure to time it right so that you don’t get hit by an arrow.

It’s like Mr. Men meets The Matrix!
Jump up to the next platform (obviously whilst avoiding the arrows) and jump your way over to the right side of the second block. Kick that one when it’s a heart, and then do the same for the last one.
Now that the door is open, continue that way (leave the ball, it’s not important for anything). When you get to the next frog, jump up and to the left where the zigzag wall is to enter the hidden area.
Go all the way through this bit and use your leg on the grappling ring so that five acorns will rain from above. Kick, push and heave those acorns up the ramp to the left and down to the zig zag part. from this ledge, kick them over to the right so that they land and float in the sludge.
Use the acorns as a bridge to get to the other side. Go through the zigzag section on the wall here, through the little tunnel and here, you’ll get the golden tooth from the silver frog!
Now, head all the way back to the village and enter this house with the sunroof.
Inside, you’ll need to water this plant with your Water Hat…
Now that a beanstalk has suddenly grown, go outside and climb it but jumping up the leaf platforms.
Head to the top of the beanstalk and then jump over to the door to the right. Head inside and talk to the ghost… with feet.
You’ll give it the golden tooth of the silver frog and in return, the ghost will give you…
And here are some more walkthroughs and guides if needed:
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 1)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 2)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 3)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 4)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 5)