Review TOEM: A Photo Adventure - Switch Review "A charming romp in a colourfully black and white world."
Indie Roundup Nintendo Switch Indie Roundup - September 14, 2021 In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the upcoming indie games for the fortnight. There's a whole lot to look forward to here!
Review A Good Snowman is Hard to Build - Switch Review "Who knew building snowmen could be this tricky?"
Review Castle of Pixel Skulls - Switch Review "Doesn’t have nearly enough meat on its bones to stand alongside the classics."
Discussion The GBA is Getting Its First Game in 13 Years! In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we talk about the new Goodboy Galaxy Kickstarter campaign.
News Everything we know about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD The revered The Legend of Zelda franchise is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year and it wouldn’t be a celebration without having a Zelda game to play. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was first released in 2011 for Nintendo Wii. The original game has gone high definition on
Discussion Who's Making the Super Mario Movie? In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the recent rumours that the Teen Titans Go movie creators will be working on the upcoming Super Mario movie.
Discussion Our Thoughts on the Recent Pokémon Presents In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the recent announcements from the latest Pokémon Presents.
Discussion No More Heroes 3 - Initial Impressions In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, Alex talks about his initial impressions of the recently released No More Heroes 3.
Indie Roundup Nintendo Switch Indie Roundup - August 31, 2021 In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the upcoming indie games for the fortnight. There's a whole lot to look forward to here!
Review Trigger Witch - Switch Review "A delightfully grim adventure that'll keep you entertained for 8-10 hours."
Review Boyfriend Dungeon - Switch Review "An excellent example of a genre you might not normally indulge in."
Discussion BIG NEWS for Broken Roads as Now Partnered With Team17 In a quick news update, Alex discusses Team17's recent announcement that Drop Bear Bytes' CRPG Broken Roads is being published by Team17 to PC and consoles in 2022.
Discussion Top 10 Best Selling Switch Games Has a Few Surprises In episode 16 of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss Nintendo's recent Q1 sales results which include a few surprising stats.
Review Save Me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition - Switch Review "You just can’t beat a bit of nostalgia and Save Me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition shows there’s life in the old dog yet."
Discussion Court Orders RomUniverse to DESTROY Pirated Games In episode 16 of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the recent court order for RomUniverse to destroy all of their pirated games.
Discussion A GTA Trilogy Remaster on Switch?! In episode 16 of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the recent rumours that Rockstar Games will be looking to bring three classics to the Nintendo Switch.
Discussion Nintendo Switch Indie Roundup August 17, 2021 In episode 16 of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss the upcoming indie games for the fortnight. It was slimmer picking this time but very much a case of quality over quantity.
Discussion Cancelled DS, GameCube & Wii Games Have Been Unearthed In the most recent episode of the Switchaboo Podcast, we discuss some DS, GameCube & Wii projects that either didn't see the light of day or changed in some ways.