Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - The Volcano Walkthrough

As far as we’re concerned, The Volcano dungeon is where this game starts to get tricky. But we’ve got your back!
We’re going to start off this walkthrough in the main room as it is fairly simple to get there. First off, head upwards, transform into the frog so you can use the hoop to swing yourself around and head through this section…
In here, the lava is rising so we want to be quick. Transform into the lion and dash all the way to the left, avoiding the lava pits and picking up stamina ghosts.
When you’ve reach the far left, transform into the snake, cling onto the moss and move through the maze whilst breaking the blocks.
Once you’ve got through that, transform into the frog and use that tongue to propel yourself across. When you reach the far right, you’ll bounce up the bouncing blocks, drop down the breakaway platforms and when you get to this bit, don’t use the bow up the top. Instead, use the hoop ring below it, otherwise you’ll just be bounced back.
Keep using your tongue there until you get to the rotatable room to which you want to shift it once so that you can exit to the left…
Keep working your way through as the frog until you get to here and go out the left exit…
Save first and then follow the arrow that is leading downwards. When you get to the lava, transform into the lion, use the Ice Sword to jump up and strike it so that you create ice blocks that stop the lava for a few seconds and then dash through the gap…
For the second lava waterfall, make your ice blocks but then transform into the snake so that you can dash through the blocks below…
And now the next one, transform back into the lion, make the ice blocks and dash into the big block in order to push it over to the right.
Now that the block is on top of the lava that’s shooting upwards (going to refer to it as shooting lava from here on), make your way over there, kill the annoying fire bat thing and ground-pound on the block so that it pushes the shooting lava down.
Keep making your way through until in the next frame, you come across a chest that has the Lion Talisman inside which lets you attack upwards.
Jump upwards, using your new ability to get you there by pressing up X, and transform into the frog. Use the Ice Sword on the left lava waterfall and use the tongue to grab the cog. Then head back over to the right, and use the cog on the door that closed you in.
Back in the other room, we can escape by using your new move on the blocks on the left.
Make your way to the top of this room and now we can head through those blocks that were in our way at the top-left…
Make your way through until you get to the block on the platform above. Jump up there and dash it over to the right. Go underneath it now and dash upwards so that it shoots upwards and onto the platform above it.
Dash and put it onto the shooting lava and make your way to the right of it. Dash and double jump into the blocks up the top and dash upwards to push the button in the top-right corner.
Go back to the shooting lava and ground-pound the block down. When you’re at the bottom, head right, turn into the snake to cling onto the moss and dash your way through the blocks. On the other side, continue through the now open door. In the next room, just make your way to the end by using your dash abilities and turn into the snake when you need to until you reach this frame…
Now do one of the most satisfying things ever and dash into the gong, making one of the four parts fall off of the picture next to the professor!
Now that that’s done, head down and out back into the main room. Just go right and into this frame…
Where the door is, the chest above it contains a Legendary Gem. But to continue, keep heading all the way right, dashing your way through like a mad man… er, lion. Now in the next room, dash into the blocks to push them into the lava.
Head up to this block and dash into it so that it slides all the way to the right. This will give you a step up so that you can transform into the snake and crawl through the space.
Now make your way to the right and onto the next room. Straightaway, dash into the block so that it falls onto the shooting lava, ground-pound it down as far as it will go and dash into it from the left so that it falls onto the other shooting lava.
Now that the block is up the top, head up there and dash into it from the left. Make some ice blocks so you can safely go underneath the lava waterfall and then dash into the block again so that it is on top of the button, allowing for the door to remain open.
Now head back down, repeat the first two steps and transform in the pig in order to blow up the block with a bomb. Also remember to dash into those breakable blocks just above it.
Now repeat the process from the beginning once more but instead, dash into the block when it is halfway up the second shooting lava so that it’ll slide onto the other side…
Quickly make your way over, dash and bash into the block again so that it stops the next bit of shooting lava. Once that shooting lava is part way up, dash into that as well so that it continues onwards.
Keep pushing it (be mindful of the fireballs) and continue… there’s a Legendary Gem in that chest, by the way. Dash the block onto the last shooting lava so that it’ll rise and push the button allowing you to go through.
In the next room, we want to go over to the other side and ground-pound the button just as the shooting lava is going down.
That will bring up the bow that you can transform into the frog and use to propel yourself to the top. Move onwards and in the next room, turn into the snake and make your way through, head bashing the block in your way. Now turn back into the lion and quickly dash, doing your best not to hit enemies or fall into the lava. When you smack into the wall, ground-pound the breakable blocks below you.
Make your way through that part, breaking the blocks and turning into the snake to maneuver your way across. Be very quick as the lava will begin to rise. Now as soon as you get up, transform back into the lion and dash. At the end, you’ll need to transform back into the snake and crawl forwards before you get squashed. And in the next room is the second gong!
Now that we’ve done that, drop down and go back into the main room by going left. Head upwards by transforming into the frog and using your tongue. Go through this door here and make sure to upgrade your ice sword so that you can freeze enemies. This is essential for finishing this area.
(Also if you sniff out the cloud on the platform to the left, you will uncover a room with a warp point… very handy!)
If you need a Legendary Gem, there is a cloud just above this part where you can sniff out a magic chest that contains one. You just need to blast it with 15 wind spells.
Now from the chest, we’re going to head to the right. In the second room, we want to free the winged Kirby. To do this, we’ll need to use our Ice Sword to freeze the fireballs in order to give us platforms so that we can make our way up…
Once you get to the top, transform into the lion and dash upwards to press the button. Once that’s done, talk to the flying puffball.
You’ll be guiding him for a little while as you make your way to the right. Remember that your Ice Sword can freeze fire enemies as well, like that big snake dragon thing just to the right of screen. If you attack him, you can actually create a platform for you to run across, which we’ll have to do a little later on. But for now, just take it down and move on. When you get to the fire breathing statue, Pepelogoo won’t like the fireballs, so make sure that he gets across safely…

This screenshot is terrifying!
When he gets to the end, he’ll get stuck in the little hole. Dash into him as either the lion or the snake to force him through. Continue onwards, Keeping him safe from lava and the like. He’ll then get stuck in a hole again, so do what you did last time. In the next room, simply arrange the blocks like this and dash jump into the block up above.
Whiskers McFly will then make his way through the little opening and flick the switch, allowing us to move on. In the next room, the Jigglypuff knockoff will bid farewell and it’s up to you to carry on. Strike the dragon snake with your sword when he’s completely laid out flat, making a path for you to proceed on.
Make your way across and do the same for the next two further up.

Look at that smug look on his face!
In the next room, transform into the frog and use your tongue to swing to the wall. When you’re airborne and being flung towards the wall, quickly transform into the snake and cling on.
Make your way up, do the same thing there and read the sign.
So for now, head to the right and then fall through the breakaway platforms and head down.
Now make your way all the way down to the bottom and the Ice Boots are there waiting for you!

Head upward and to the right to dash into those blocks on the right. This will cause the lava level to rise, which is a good thing.
Equip your new boots so that the lava won’t burn you and make your way up (this part is tricky, but you can do this). Now that you’re back up the top, go back to where we started with the sign and the shooting lava and stand on it as the lion or the frog to make a platform on it.
Before you start ground-pounding, transform into the pig because you’ll take damage as the lion (see the difference in how much health I have? Yeah, I learned that the hard way).
In the next room, transform back into the lion and now we can jump and ride the fire snake dragon (probably one of the most badass sentences I’ve ever written)!
A little way down, transform into the frog and use your tongue to grab on to the first hoop, then the second and finally a big jump to land on the other snake dragon. Through to the next room, you want to dash and dodge everything until you get to here…
From here, you want to carefully make your way across the shooting lava, being mindful of the rhythm.
Basically all I can say is be mindful of everything as you simply continue your way down a linear path until you reach the end…
Now we want to head back to the main room in order to tackle the last area – the top-left. However in order to do that, we need to go through the entrance at the bottom-left, next to the professor.
Use your sword to get past the lava waterfall and you see the dragon snake above? You’ll need to be standing on the small hovering platform just below the long one above it and strike the on the head in order to freeze him.
(I would actually wait for the snake to be a little closer to you than this before you freeze it, but it still worked.)
Now that the snake is frozen, head to the top-left and stand to the left of the block. Push it onto the snake and stand on it level with the block and dash into it so that it goes flying to the right platform and lands on the button.
Now we can head through to the next room via the door in the top-left corner. In here, the lava level will rise and fall. Make your way through, being mindful of the level and of the spikes, until you get to here…
When the lava level begins to rise, we want to make our way to the gap in the top-left corner…
Then when the lava goes down, we want to break the blocks in the next gap to the left and hide in there when the level goes up again…

Take a look at those pearly white teeth!
When the lava goes down again and you’re at the bottom-left, transform into the snake and break the blocks. Once you’ve gone through, transform into the lion again because the snake isn’t wearing any boots. When the water level is up again, you’ll have a solid platform on the lava to turn back into the snake and you can bash through the other blocks to be able to proceed onwards.
For this next section, we want to have a block on the button up the top…
In order to do this, stand on the shooting lava on the right to make an ice platform, transform into the pig and ground-pound it to the bottom. Then transform back into the lion, walk across all of the lava so that there’s a solid ground and then dash upwards into the button. That will make a block fall…
Now transform into the lion and upwards dash into the block from underneath it just before it gets to the end of the conveyor belt.
After that, go back, take a run up jump dash into the block from the right so that you can stand next to it. Keep dashing into it and it will land on the shooting lava. Take a short run up on the little platform and run and dash into the block again.

Liiioooon Jeeeeeenkiiiins!
Now stand on the shooting lava, transform into the pig and ground-pound it down. Walk to the left so that you’re underneath the block and dash upwards. Now that it’s on the upper platform, make your way back to its, dash it onto the button and that’s that puzzle done and we can move onto the next room.
First thing to do here is to stand on the little hill that will should lava upwards. When you get up to the next level, go right through to the next room.
Jump onto the shooting lava and cut a path through the lava waterfall with your Ice Sword.
Dash upwards and double jump to get up to the ledge. Make your way across the room, go up to the top-right and dash into the button. This will create a cog.
Make your way to the left and back around to the bottom-right. Stand on the lava and dash upward into the button so that the cog won’t fall into the lava.
Transform into the frog and gobble up that cog. Now make your way to the left and then upwards to unlock the door.
In the next room, run onto the shooting lava as either the frog or the lion in order to create a base and transform into the snake. Slither your way through the tight gap and when the shooting lava on the left goes down, fall down and transform into the frog or lion on your way down.
Now that the base is there, transform back into the snake, ride the lava up and squeeze your way through the hole on your left.
Go through to the next room and dash into the breakable stalactite which will fall into one of the spouting hills. Make your way down and you’ll be back into the main room of this section. Make your way to the far left side to the next room. Here, make your way up the ramp by dashing through all of the enemies (but watch out the the fireballs falling from the ceiling). In the next room, strike the fireball when it jumps, jump onto it and then double jump and upwards dash to get to the level up above.

He’s like Superman… but a lion
Continue to your right and up until you get to the bats. Here, you need to freeze one and then jump and repeat until you get to the other side.
Transform into the frog and use your tongue to get across. However, you’re going to need to transform into the lion in midair in order to upwards dash through the blocks and land safely on the platform.
Onto the next room, make your way upwards and wait for the shooting lava that got you to the top to start making its way up again before you upwards dash into the button on the ceiling. With the boulder rolling down, dash to the right until you get to here…
You want to make platforms on the lava but without making the other sections fall. So you need to jump onto the shooting lavas and then jump over the boulder when it gets to you. But you also want to quickly get over to the right side so that you can strike the lava waterfall to let the boulder make it to the end.

“Yay, I did it!”
Go past the lava waterfall, upwards dash into the button and then do the same on each block above so that the boulder can continue to roll down.
However if you just want to continue with the main story, don’t hit the third block. You want to dash ahead of the boulder at the end so that you can run across the water in order to create a path for it and then dash upwards through the blocks above.
Enter the next room and dash into the other stalactite. That will fall down and clog the other hill, allowing for the middle shooting lava stream to go even higher. Jump on top of it when it comes down, enter the room up the top, bounce on the bouncing block and enter through the door in the next room.
This next section is both fun and frustrating. Make your way into the bouncing pinball area and you first want to make your way over to the one in the top middle. Bounce and upwards dash through the bricks above and onto the ledge above. Ground-pound the button and the top-right section will open up.
Make (bounce) your way over to the opening in the middle-right and drop down.
Go through all of the bouncing and make it to the top-right corner of this section to upwards dash into the button which will open the door as well as the first of two doors guarding the chest up the top.
Next up is the top-left corner…
When you slide down the ramp, you’ll end up on a platform. Jump onto the first three bouncing blocks and don’t double jump. Wait for the two rows to get closer and move over to the second one, then the third and then up to the ledge on the right (you can do a little jump if you need to, but only on your descent).
Dash upwards into the button and then make your way through the bouncy pinball section up to the top if you want to collect a Power Gem. If not, just continue through the top-right exit.
In the section, wait for the snake dragon to come up and jump onto it. Make sure you leave yourself enough room to jump over the spikes, because they do a whole lot of damage. Keep going until you have to duck underneath some walls and then jump onto the platform.
This bit is all about timing. You need to dash and jump to break through the blocks whilst avoiding the falling fireballs. The best time to go is as soon as the fireballs hit the ground.
Proceed onwards until you reach the blocks that need to be bombed. Transform into the pig above the blocks and throw a bomb down. Then transform back into the lion and wait for the snake dragon to make its way across so that you can jump onto it.
As soon as you land on the dragon, duck underneath the wall and get off on the next platform. Wait for another snake dragon to come up and jump onto this one. When you go past the falling fireballs, raise your shield by pushing the analogue stick up.
Dash into the stalactite whilst riding the snake dragon, fight off the bats and make it to the end and into the next room where the final gong is waiting for you to dash into it. Now make your way back to the middle room and the tablet is revealed. Speak to Prof. Leveratt, save and ground-pound the platform in the middle to make your way to the boss.
For help on this fight, click here for our boss guide on Voldrake.
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide