Kickstarter Project of the Week: The Shapeshifter

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Green Boy Games' The Shapeshifter. The game is slated to release in May 2021 on Game Boy with and NES stretch goal.

Here's the overview:

You are Elliot, an ordinary person who is going to spend the weekend in the mountains with some friends.

All of you have fallen asleep in the open air, near a campfire, but the cold of the night wakes you up ...or maybe it was a cry for help there in the distance... who knows..

Elliot meets a little elf who is asking you for help: Save the elves world from the wizard's spell!!

To do this, the elf gives you a great power: You will become the animal you touch, but remember that the power will fade at dawn. Hurry up! We do not have much time!!

Once you cross through the hole in the centennial broccoli tree, you will immerse yourself in the elves world.

Things that you thought were simpler get complicated with every step you take. Nothing is what it seems in this fantasy world, and you won't think that the best of powers is sometimes hard to handle.

I can't reveal much more for you to discover for yourself, but you will put yourself in the shoes of various animals. Land, sea and air. Choose the animal that best suits each of the environments.

Developing a Game Boy game in 2021 is nothing but admirable. It shows that they develop out of passion over financial gain; the passion to create something for the pure want to see it come to fruition. The Shapeshifter, for a Game Boy game, looks to be wonderfully ambitious, with action-adventure attributes that adopts various playstyles and control options that are dependent on the animal you become. Although, to see a Green Boy Games collection on Nintendo Switch would truly be a wonderful sight.

This game required €6,000 and it is currently sitting at €21,215.50 after 338 backers with 53 days still remaining. The NES version of the game is a stretcvh goal, requiring €40,000. If you’d like to support the development of this game, click the link below to visit the Kickstarter page.

Click here to check out The Shapeshifter
Click here to check out the last Kickstarter Project: Aveliana

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