Healer's Quest - Switch Review
"A fun, light-hearted RPG."

Healer’s Quest is a self aware, comedic take on the stereotypical RPG party where you are playing the role of the titular healer. This game really speaks to people who play in support roles in these kinds of games and are always being overshadowed by the rest of the party, while also being under appreciated by said team. As for anyone who normally doesn’t play healer, the difficulty of this game really speaks volumes of how hard playing a healer in a party game can be.
The gameplay is really quite simple in concept but truly difficult in its execution as it primarily involves keeping your party alive with healing and buff spells so they can defeat the enemies. Healer’s Quest is a stereotypical RPG game with a comedic tone that permeates all the way through as you travel the lands and complete quests for glory. Your healer starts by meeting their friend Tanky who recruits others to help complete a royal bounty that has been put out.

The way the game works is that you walk around on the overworld or in a dungeon where you will encounter either pre-determined battles or random encounters. During battle, you have to manage your spells, mana, and your party's health, however you have ways to restore mana and your party has certain conditions that’ll allow them to deal higher damage. An example of this is Tanky the party Tank who deals higher damage when he is above 90% health or Murky the Wizard who enters an aura-like state while you’re meditating to restore mana. You can’t just continuously cast spells though because the more frequently you cast, the faster your wand will burn out, preventing you from casting any spells at all.