Disgaea 4 Complete+ Announced for Nintendo Switch
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Keeping in theme with E3, NIS America has announced Disgaea 4 Complete+ for Nintendo Switch for this Fall!
[su_button url=”https://disgaea.us/d4-complete/purchase/?utm_source=NISA+Press&utm_campaign=aa422f1ed2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_06_07_06_06&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_19e6c84aa6-aa422f1ed2-152863769″ target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#2a17b3″ size=”8″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Pre-Order Disgaea 4 Complete+ from the Offical NIS America Store[/su_button]Hellraising action and a horde of special features await you in a tale of fiery revolution in Disgaea 4 Complete+ for PlayStation®4 and Nintendo Switch™!
This release collects all additional characters, scenario, and DLC ever released for the title while adding in brand new functionalities to make it the ULTIMATE Disgaea experience.
Source: NIS America PR