Escape Doodland - Switch Review (Quick)

Escape Doodland is a 2D sidescrolling auto-runner where you must outrun the gigantic dragon monster behind you. Jump from platform-to-platform, use matchsticks to fart, propelling yourself or stunning the monster if it gets too close, and collect beans that are scattered throughout.
- Characters control well
- Matchsticks give you the ability to propel yourself forward or upward, giving you more movement variety
- Two difficulties: Hard and Harder (although I’ll touch on that more in the Bad section)
- Bean collectibles provide an extra layer of challenge and can be used as currency in the Shop to upgrade your power-ups or buy matchsticks and skins.
- Pencil doodling aesthetic is wonderfully appealing
- Bursting with personality
- A surprisingly wide variety of colours and visual aesthetics

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- Autorunning gameplay grows tiresome quickly
- Lack of gameplay depth
- Later levels become difficult, far beyond challenging and fun, and are just simply frustrating and annoying
- Only ten levels, with each being able to complete in 5-10 minutes
- Characters’ sounds are whiney and annoying
- No story; simply just run away from a monster
- Awkwardly placed platforms and hazards
- The soundtrack is often repetitive and frustrating, especially when you keep dying and the kazoo melody continues to ring in your ears.

Final Score: 56%
Escape Doodland has a lot going for it, but its negative points far outweigh its positives. There’s difficulty for the sake of being difficult, and then there are games that simply make you want to rip your hair out in frustration; that’s not to say that you cannot enjoy a difficult game, but there’s only so much that Escape Doodland offers to warrant it.
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