Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor

To get to Deadwood Grave, and eventually to Haunted Manor, you’ll need to go through the Crystal Caves and get to this frame…

Now that we have the ability to fly, we can just go straight up and over!

As you proceed over the first waterfall, you’ll need to time it right to get past the next few. Wait for the waterfall to finish coming down, then fly downwards. The next one, same thing but fly upwards. Now we can go to Deadwood Graveyard… Hooray!

Fly upwards and use your key on the door. Now we’re going to have to make our way down this next bit, one puzzle at a time. The first is quite easy once you get the hang of it. You just need to light all of the torches, which is easy now that we’re a dragon.

Start on the bottom, right next to a torch (it can be left or right, doesn’t matter). As soon as the waterfall on that side stops, shoot a fireball and quickly fly upwards. Shoot the top torch and then make your way over to the other side. If you’ve timed it right, the waterfall should be going on the side that you’re going to. Once that stops, shoot the top torch and then fall down and shoot the bottom torch. That’s it! It’s just about being quick.
In the next room, make your way down to the bottom-right corner and wait for the boulders to do their thing.
This next room requires you to be the frog. When you use your tongue to pull out the logs, you want to pull out the top-right one from the ledge just below it (otherwise you’ll get trapped and be hit by the boulder). Then head over to the bottom-left side and pull out the second log just as the boulder is about to break the block on the far-left. Now the boulder will roll down and reveal the way onwards.

This next one is tricky. You need to equip the Ice Sword and use it to make ice blocks from the waterfall in order to guide the blocks over to the left side. It can be a little frustrating, but simply try to do it like the image below…

The next puzzle also requires the Ice Sword. When you pull out both of the logs, the gap in the middle is where you want the ice blocks to be…

Deadwood Graveyard
So now that we’ve made it here, our first task is to open the treasure chest. To do that, we’ll need to fire 100 fireballs at it, however the pesky ghosts will keep taking it away from us.

After the ghost has taken it away for the first time, you’ll need to fight some little skeletal men. These guys are pretty tricky, but you’ll get use to their patterns. Their downwards strike is the most deadly as if it doesn’t hit you, it’ll still stun you if you’re close and have your feet on the ground. Try to do a little jump to avoid being stunned but if it does stun you, rapidly flick the left analogue stick left to right to shake yourself out of it. They’re not weak to magic, so it’s all about getting up close with them.
The next chest is just a little further to the right and is being guarded by some ghosts. Defeat them and keep firing at the chest, being mindful of the other ghosts that will keep respawning…

If (when) you die, to make your way back you can always just fly up and over the top of all the enemies to where the chest is. True story.
After the chest gets taken away, keep fighting your way through the enemies to get to it again. Be mindful of the tombstones, because they will summon more skeletons if hit. When fighting the skeletons, try to gain the higher ground, but don’t stand directly above them. This spot is generally good…

Once the chest moves, follow it to the right again. The next part is also tricky as you’ll encounter ghosts that throw their scythes at you (these guys are very annoying and they’re also up further ahead… have fun). You can block their scythes by attacking them, but you have to time it right. I recommend just dodging them. If you kill them, another one will just respawn in its place (only in this section, not further on). So try to take out the little ghosts and focus on the chest whilst dodging the scythes.

This next one can be annoying because it can go up and down. But try to stand here and shoot fireballs at it when it is there…

Then it will go to the left, so… follow it.
Finish the chest off here and get the Haunted Manor Key…

Before you enter the manor, you can get some cool gear from the shop. Don’t forget about that!
Haunted Manor
Now that you’re inside the Haunted Manor, head up the stairs above and get to the platform above you to the save point (very important). After that, you’ll want to head to this frame…

In here is a chest that will become possessed and will attack you. Defeat it and you can open it to obtain the Knight Gleam-Targe shield. This shield is very important and you’ll want to equip it straight away. Now head back to the middle and go through here…

In this room, defeat the skeleton (don’t worry about the statue yet) and it’ll reveal a dimension shift portal. Go through it and now you can take control of some inanimate objects… cool!

Go through it and press Y on the statue to enter it.

In here, you’ll just need to get to the top and kill the green ghost. You can kill the other ghosts along the way, but I just ignored them.

Once you’ve done that, you can control the statue. Take him all the way to the right and smash the blocks on the ground…

Now you can go to the room underneath!

However once you’ve done that, go to this frame…

You should be in a room where there is a treasure chest and a portal, but a ghost will come in, grab the chest and go into the wardrobe. So what you need to do is go through the portal and follow the ghost into the wardrobe.
In here, you need to make your way to the top, defeating ghosts that get in your way and avoiding being teleported out by the circle zapper thing.

When you get to the top, roll the shiny ball down the ramp. That will smash through some glass stuff, scare the ghost and he’ll escape and go into the globe. Now you’ll be taken out of the wardrobe, go through the portal again and now into the globe.
In here, transform into the snake and wait for the room to spin you until you can drop onto the platform where the shiny ball is…

Now roll that ball down, that’ll do the same thing and the ghost will retreat to the padlock. Follow him into there via the portal and this time it is all about making it to the top. However, the doors will close on you and the zapper will get you and take you out. So go back into the globe, push down the shiny ball again (this time on the right side) and this time, the ghost will go into the slightly provocative looking statue. But you can’t get to that, so go back into the padlock, and proceed through, but this time the ghost isn’t there to trap you.
Now that you’ve got past where you were trapped, push the ball down a level to the right. Now we need to time this right, otherwise the spikes will smash the ball. We want to start pushing as soon as the first spike to the right goes down, but make sure you kill the ghosts in your way first.

Do the same for the level below and watch the ball smash some glass. Now you’ll be able to go into the statue. In here, you want the light up the top to reflect off of the mirrors all the way to the lightbulb flower down the bottom. When you flick a switch, that corresponding octagon will turn quarterly twice anti-clockwise, but then the ghost that’s on the other side will flick it back quarterly once clockwise.
Basically, here’s what you need to do: strike the bottom switch three times; strike the middle switch once and strike the top switch three times. In the end, it should look like this…

Now jump all the way to the top and push the ball off to the right. You’ll be transported to where we started and all you need to do now is to kill the ghost. To do this, you need to wait for him to appear behind you, quickly turn around and strike him. That’s the only way to do damage to him. Once he’s been taken out, the chest will be yours and inside is the Mansion Chapel Key.

If you go out of the room back into this bigger room, the key will unlock the door in the top-left corner…

In this room, transform into the dragon and fly up to the ledge in the top-left corner. Transform into the frog and use your tongue to pull on the lever that will bring the light in.

Now drop down and push the statue into the little ditch…

Lastly, transform back into the dragon, fly up the the floating platform near the top-right corner with the candlesticks, transform into the pig and ground-pound on the button…

This will bring the other platform with the mirror across and the light will now shine outside of the room.

Head out of the room, fly to the right so that you’re on the top-middle platform and push the angel statue onto the little platform that light goes through (the scythe throwing enemy can be annoying, but if it gets in the way of the light, it will be trapped and burn).

Now you’ll need to drop down to the bottom-left and push the other mirror-holding angel over to the right. Watch out for the bottom conveyor belt as it and the bouncing block will bring it back up to where it started. When the statue drops from the top layer to the bottom, quickly drop down as well and get behind it so that you can push it to the right.

Now push it so that it reflects the light (it is possible to push it too far, but you can just push it back from the other side) and now the light will do this…

Now head back to the main room and go through the second-to-bottom room on the left…

When you walk into the room, the ghost will turn the reflector…

You’ll need to jump and strike the reflector so that it faces downwards again. Now move the angel statue over to the right.

Now that we have that figured out, you’ll want to strike the reflectors and let the light rebound so that it looks like this…

Now go back into the main room and go up to here…

Jump onto the little platform on a string and hold your shield upwards…

This will then open up the room to the left. Head into there and just spend a moment to get use to everything being upside down. Make it all the way to the other side and open the chest to collect the Living Room Key.

Head back to the main room and unlock the door in the bottom-right corner…

Enjoy the little tango of the two ghosts then speak to Mack Malino. Yeah, you’re going to have to race him again, but this one is a bit trickier.
You’ll need to start as the lion and dash through the bottom section through the blocks…

Follow where Mack goes so you don’t run into a bomb (he changes every time you race him, so don’t expect there to be a patter or anything)…

Collect the stamina ghost…

Turn into the dragon and collect stamina whilst maneuvering through the spikes…

Transform into the pig and blow up some blocks…

Transform into the snake and climb some walls…

Transform into the frog and swing across…

and you’re done! … that wasn’t a race, that was a marathon! But we’ve done it and Mack will give us the Dragon Talisman which will allow us to fly for as long as we want and to be able to breathe fire like a flamethrower.
Head back to the poison room, take control of the fan in the room just above and bring it all the way down so that it snaps away from its chain. Now you can fly around as the fan… cool! Get it…? Because fans cool you down…? Anyway, head down and the fan will scare away the vines that are in your way…

Make sure that you get the one in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners…

Once you get them all, you will be rewarded with a health elixer…

Now go down the bottom-left corner into this frame…

Push the block into the water and just leave it like that for now. Instead of following it, go back to the room we were just in and go through the bottom-right exit.
In this room, head to the very top of the old tree, go through the portal and possess the spiked ball (probably a good idea to defeat all of the enemies around you before you do that so they don’t get in your way) and make your way to the right.

First, make your way to the right, jump over the little gap between the tree branch and the first platform, squash the flowers and now go left…

Jump over the gap in the water and onto platform and continue with the momentum going left…

Now continue all the way to the left and you’ll go careening into the blocks on the left.

Step into the bathtub and lift your shield upwards so that it reflects into the lightbulb flower and the door with open, allowing you an easier way to control the fan outside.

Now control the spiked ball again but instead of breaking those blocks, we want to make our way down to the bottom-left, making sure to do little jumps over small gaps so you don’t get stuck and have to try again, and break through these blocks…

In this room, go right, through the portal and into the machine…

These numbers next to the switches suggest how much the meter will either go up or down. To make the meter go up, hit the switch so it falls to the right. Want the meter to go down? Hit the switch so it falls to the left; don’t want to use the number? keep it in the middle. We want to get the meter so that it is level with the pointers on the right side.

From left to right, we want the switches to be in this order: left, middle, right, right, left…

This will make the poison water fountain go down and now all of the water won’t be poisonous… hooray!

Now head up, out, over to this frame and continue right to reach the new area…

In this room, go up, uncover the button and ground-pound it…

Now head over to the right and go through the portal…

Possess the spiked ball in the top-left corner and bring it over to the far left, down, and then back to the right in order to break the block. Then go back through the portal and possess the skeleton clock…

Make your way to the very top to where the clock is and use your shield to reflect the light onto the flower bulbs on the ceiling to adjust the time so that the hands are showing midnight…

Once you do that, the gate will open next to the clock, skeleton warriors will run past and you can proceed to the right. In this room, transform into the snake go right into the next room…

Remain as the snake, go over the moss and when you get to the right side, jump and let the current take you over to the butt with feet. Head bash it by pressing A so it’ll go through and then press Y to go back into the previous room. Speak to Pepelogoo and he’ll tell you that he’s still looking for the girl with green hair, but then he’ll get knocked by some ghosts that will appear. Fight off the ghosts, but you won’t have to beat all of them as the flying Kirby can project light beams out of his mouth… Awesome!

Flappy McFly will join you momentarily and you can use the right analogue stick to aim his beam. This beam doesn’t last forever, so he’ll need to eat ghosts to replenish it. Pepelogoo moves independently, but he generally tries to follow your movements. Aiming may feel a little disjointing at first, but you’ll get use to it. Now, aim his beam at the lightbulb flower on the left wall in order to open the gate to the left.
To continue with the main story, head to the top-right corner of the main hall and shine Pepelogoo’s light beam at the lightbulb flower on the side of the ceiling…

This next room is another upside down room. So do your best to make your way over to the other side without being killed by the skeleton and proceed through the bottom-right (top-left?) exit (perhaps a picture might help)…

In this room, go through the portal and possess the tables so that they are situated like the image below, possess the spiked ball in the top-left corner and roll and jump across…

Break the blocks and head up the ladder. In this next room, we want to move the winged statue to the far-right. Then make your way onto the ledge in the middle of the room and use your shield to reflect the light onto the statues reflector which will then rebound to the orb in the top-right corner. At the same time, shine Pepelogoo’s light onto the reflector on the left so that it rebounds onto the orb in the top-left corner and hold it there for a few seconds (if Pepelogoo runs out of juice, more ghosts will appear for it to feast on).

In the next room, head upwards and go through the portal. You’ll need to possess the chandeliers and bring them down to about this level, with the left one being slightly lower than the right. Then possess the spiked ball and send it rolling and jumping to break the blocks on the other side…

In the next room, you can dash into the button on the right in order to give yourself a shortcut back to the main hall where you can save and replenish your health. When you’re ready to move on in this room, transform into the dragon and breathe fire on the bat lantern statue. Go through the portal and enter the padlock on the left. For this, fly up and around, doing your best to avoid the ghosts and then transform into the pig or the lion and ground-pound onto the middle metal part sticking out (I’ve forgotten what they’re called).

Next up, fly upwards on the right and when you get to the top, transform into the pig. For this one, you’ll need to throw a bomb through the gap and use the switch to change the direction of the conveyor belts in order to guide the bomb down to the breakable block at the bottom. So basically whenever the bomb hits a new conveyor belt, flick the switch to make it go the other way…

In the next room, walk onto the bouncing block and be shot all the way up to the top. Transform into the pig if you’re not him already and throw a bomb through the gap. Use the same tactic as we did before with the switch to the right in order to guide the bomb and destroy the blocks.

Once the coast is clear, shine Pepelogoo’s light at the lightbulb flower up the top in order to drop a spiked ball on the conveyor belt. Flick the switch when it gets to the second level to change its direction, but watch out for the spikes that come up when you get to here…

This will happen a few times, with the third row having one come up in front and behind the ball. So what you need to do is keep flicking the switch back and forth until they go down.

The fourth and final row will be the some, however the first bit of spikes will come up and them come towards the ball. Keep doing what we did last time but this time when they go down, be careful for the last bit of spikes that comes up right at the end…

But now that that’s done, we can continue onto the next room. This room is sort of like pinball again. Fly up to the very top as the dragon, go through the portal and possess the spiked ball.

I can’t really give too many hints about this part, because it’s all about struggling your way so that the ball falls down the middle and breaks the blocks. However, what worked for us is going left (right works too, they’re both the same) at full speed and trying to make it fall here…

If you get the ball in the middle too early, it’ll hit the upside down V and push the ball out to the sides. But once you get it, proceed downwards and now it’s time for the boss of Haunted Manor!
If you need help with the Undead Wizard, click here…
Once you’ve defeated the boss, walk onto the bouncing block that will make you jump into the background. On the table, transform into either the lion or the pig and ground-pound the roast dragon’s hump twice (the first time for the apple in his mouth and the second for the fortune cookie that was inside of him for some strange reason…

This is what we came here for! So let’s get to a spot where we can teleport out and go see Sir. Hoots in the Observatory just above the Village of Aeria!
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide